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Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Ephesians 6:17-18 (TPT)

Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken Word of God. Pray passionately in the Spirit, as you constantly intercede with every form of prayer at all times.

We are facing uncertain times, instability, division, and great fear… the devil is pridefully and unashamedly announcing his antichrist agenda, and believers are in shock at all that is happening around them. We need to earnestly pray for our nation and the world between now through the 20th of January… our prayers can defeat and disarm the enemy and his plans to destroy this great nation.

I am not talking about politics, I am talking about releasing the heavenly hosts and the Word of God as a sword in the hands of the Spirit to protect and to preserve what He has established in this nation, and destroy the plans of the wicked one.

The enemy is already defeated, but that defeat has to be enforced by the church who, together with the Holy Spirit are the ones assigned to restrain the antichrist agenda.

When we speak the Word, when we stand upon the Word and when we have faith in the Word according to our New Covenant in Christ, our faith in the living, powerful Word activates it as a sword that destroys the work of the enemy and enforces every promise given to us.

We are in spiritual battle against the powers of darkness and the way that we fight is by activating the Word of God as the sword of the Spirit.

When it comes to overcoming the powers of darkness, the living, powerful Word of God is a two edged sword in the hands of the Holy Spirit. When we speak the Word in faith, the spoken Word becomes a sword in the hands of the Holy Ghost to decapitate the powers of darkness and to destroy their plans, their projects and their assignments against us.

The sword of the Spirit destroys sickness, poverty, depression, deception and every work of the devil.

Weaponize yourself daily with the living, New Covenant words of Jesus… continually sow the Word into your heart to watch over your heart – sow the Word of GRACE, sow the Word of FAITH, sow the Word of BOLDNESS, sow the Word of Wholeness and health, sow the Word of WISDOM… sow the Word for every area of life and ministry, and then release the indwelling Word through your faith declaration… as you do, the Holy Spirit will wield those words like a two edged sword. He will reap total destruction in the enemy’s camp and protect every promise given in the New Covenant.

In His amazing love, Nick
