Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Mark 4:14
The sower sows the Word as seed.
Whenever I meditate on this parable that Jesus told, I meditate upon the revelation that I get to sow the Word as seed into my innermost being… that, as I sow the Word into the good soil of my heart (good soil is a heart that embraces the seed), that the Word will grow and produce the promises of God in my life. (Mark 4:14-20)
I meditate upon the revelation that the Word is ‘living seed’ – that the Lord has given everything pertaining to life and godliness to me in seed form… (the seed of His Word). I plant the Word by speaking it in faith and then receiving it by grace through faith, and then the Holy Spirit waters it… the Word grows as a tree and then produces what God has given me… first on the inside, and then brings it into manifestation on the outside.
This revelation has helped me to receive and walk in everything good that I have in my life today… my wife, my children, my grandchildren, my ministry, the gifts of the Spirit, my relationships, my home and every material thing that I get to be a steward of.
I am now committed to sow this living Word to every person that the Lord brings into my life. My biggest challenge in life is sowing this magnificent, powerful Word, into thousands of people a day, only to see much of it not take root in their lives.
Sadly, Jesus said that three quarters of the Word sown would not produce any fruit… that the devil immediately takes away and steals a quarter… that another quarter does not take root because of challenges, tribulations or offences, and that another quarter fails to get planted because of the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in…
I try to focus on the quarter who do receive the Word, those whose lives (like mine) are transformed by the Word. Even though it is so sad that many remain unchanged and continue in their suffering regardless of how much Word is sown into their lives, what a joy it is to be a part of so many others, whose lives get transformed by this amazing Word!
Know this that once the Word takes root, that God will watch over it to perform it in every life that has received it.
My appeal to you today is that you join me in sowing the Word… sow it in person, sow it through social media, sow it over the phone, and sow it via email and text message to every person in your life… not all will receive it, but those who do will be forever changed!
Blessings on you, Nick