Today’s devotion comes from Psalm 5:7-8 (TPT)

I know that You will welcome me into Your house, for I am covered by Your covenant of mercy and love. So I come to Your sanctuary with deepest awe to bow in worship and adore You. Yahweh, lead me in the pathways of Your pleasure just like you promised me You would, or else my enemies will conquer me. Smooth out Your road in front of me, straight and level so that I will know where to walk.

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As we worship the Lord, He leads us onto His pathways of pleasure and He literally smooths out the road in front of us…

David imparts this powerful reality for all of us who worship Jesus – worship cleared a pathway of promotion from shepherd boy to king for David, and it can do the same for you. As you worship the Lord in awe – as you worship Him in Spirit and in truth… while you are worshipping, the Lord sends His angels ahead of you to smooth out the road in front of you – as they do, they load up the road in front of you with blessings for your pleasure.

I get this picture of a worshiper, worshipping the Lord, and as he enters into deep worship, the Father commands His legends of angels… “Go, go now!” – immediately the angels swoop onto the road ahead of us… they chase every devil away, they fill up every pothole, the level every speed bump, and then they lay a new layer of extra smooth gold topping – then they erect stores along the way filled with things for our pleasure, so that as we move forward we can remain fully supplied, not just with our needs, but with pleasures to be lavished upon us.

Take time to worship the Lord today – He is standing with open arms, ready to welcome you into His presence – you are His covenant child! You are in a covenant of mercy, love and grace, so enter boldly into His throneroom and worship!

Make this confession of faith - say this out loud with me…

“John 17:17 says that I am sanctified and set apart by Your truth - Your Word is truth - Your Word absolute truth – the Word is for me to walk in, to accept as final truth and for me to stand on, to declare by faith and for me to do – I am who the Word says that I am - I can do what the Word says I can do - I can be who the Word says I can be - Christ in me can do all things – I can do all things through Christ - I have absolute POWER over ALL the Work of the enemy – nothing shall by any means harm me – I have power to raise the dead – I have power to heal the sick – I have power to do the works of Jesus – I have total authority over all of the works of His hands in Jesus Name! – the power and the authority of the creator of all things is on the inside of me – when I speak by faith, I ALWAYS have what I say – As I speak the Word, the Father ALWAYS watches over it to perform it – The Father loves it when I expect Him to ALWAYS perform His EVERY Word! – I always expect the Father to bring to pass every word that I speak according to His Word – God is not a man that He should lie – His Word is literal, His Word is truth and His Word is final

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