Today’s devotion is from Ephesians 2:14 

For He is our peace…’

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Friends and family, I have a reminder for you from the Word of God that He is your Peace.

If your peace has left, if your mind has been focused on the business of life, the worries of life, the worries of the past, the hurts of the past – be reminded today that He is your peace. 

Jesus paid the price for your peace, 2000 years ago. Whatever it is that may be robbing you of your peace, bring it to the throne of heaven in prayer right now and receive the peace that He paid for – it’s yours to receive… say this, “Jesus, I receive peace right now, in Your powerful Name!”

Many times we may try to sort things out for ourselves instead of resting in His finished work on the cross. Put on the mind of Christ today, see what He did for you on Calvary, REST in His love for you, and remind yourself today that Jesus is your Peace. Thank Him for His peace… take a few minutes to just say “Jesus, you are my Prince of Peace, Jesus you are my peace – I receive supernatural peace and rest right now.” Relinquish the thoughts of worries, concerns and frustrations. Stop trying to figure things out and rest in His peace today – He is your peace.

Make this confession of faith - say this out loud with me…   

“John 17:17 says that I am sanctified and set apart by Your truth - Your Word is truth -Your Word absolute truth – the Word is for me to walk in, to accept as final truth and for me to stand on, to declare by faith and for me to do – I am who the Word says that I am - I can do what the Word says I can do - I can be who the Word says I can be - Christ in me can do all things – I can do all things through Christ - I have absolute POWER over ALL the Work of the enemy – nothing shall by any means harm me – I have power to raise the dead – I have power to heal the sick – I have power to do the works of Jesus – I have total authority over all of the works of His hands in Jesus Name! – the power and the authority of the creator of all things is on the inside of me – when I speak by faith, I ALWAYS have what I say – As I speak the Word, the Father ALWAYS watches over it to perform it – The Father loves it when I expect Him to ALWAYS perform His EVERY Word! – I always expect the Father to bring to pass every word that I speak according to His Word – God is not a man that He should lie – His Word is literal, His Word is truth and His Word is final!”

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