Today’s devotion is from Ephesians 1:6

To the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

A literal translation of Ephesians 1:6 is, ‘He has highly and gloriously favored us in the beloved.’

As a born again believer, you ‘have been’ made acceptable and highly and gloriously favored in Christ. Jesus made you perfect in Him! This has nothing to do with your works or your actions and everything to do with Jesus’ works and His actions towards you. We can never become good enough through our works, but we can have faith in the finished work of Jesus.

Your strengths and good works can never qualify you and your flaws and weaknesses can never disqualify you – you are qualified in Christ by His works! You are blameless in Christ! You are perfect in Christ! You are acceptable and highly favored in Christ by His grace!

Say, “I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”… now, say it ten more times, “I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

i am greatly blessed.jpg

Ephesians 1:4 says, ‘He [The Father] chose us in Him [Jesus] before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him [The Father] in love.’ The Passion Translation says, He [The Father] chose us to be His very own, joining us to Himself [in Christ] even before He laid the foundation of the universe! Because of His great love, He [The Father] ordained us, so that we would be seen as holy in His eyes with an unstained innocence. (emphasis mine)

When the Father looks at you, He sees you with unstained innocence…

You may say, “but, I have sinned, I have made so many mistakes, I have let the Lord down so many times, how can I be seen as gloriously, highly favored and innocent in the light of all that I have done wrong?” The answer to your question is… The Father does not look at you in the light of all that you have done wrong, or in the light of everything that you have done right – He looks at you in Christ in the light of what He has done!

Change your identity from who you are in the light of your works to who you are in Christ as a result of His works! Change your identity from ‘sinner saved by grace’ to ‘righteousness of God in Christ’ – change your identity from ‘failure’, to ‘highly favored’ and as you change your identity, as you change your perspective you will begin to walk as a highly favored, blessed, powerful individual instead of living like a condemned disqualified, limited failure.

Now, say it ten more times…

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”

“I am gloriously highly favored in Jesus!”