
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 12:35 

Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.

Friends, as you walk in the fullness of His Spirit and His anointing by faith, you will walk with clarity of direction, fullness of life and ‘dü’nämes’ power, abounding in Faith in Him.

Jesus knows where you are going. He has promised to lead and guide you through the Holy Spirit. Walk in His Word, follow His leading, walk in the light of His love.

Surround yourself with the preaching of the Word, surround yourself with worship music and build yourself up in your most Holy faith by praying in the Spirit. Walk in the light of His love and power – walk in His fullness operating in and through you and step out on His Word. He is with you, He is in you, He is leading you, He is guiding you. He is Faithful and His is mighty to save – Selah

Please join us today for our service at Amazing Love Church… I am so excited to play my new Nord keyboard, Leilani is ready and fired up to take us right into the place of His Glory as we worship, and Nick is charged with a powerful ‘now word’ from the Lord that will transform lives. If you cannot join us ‘in person’ please join us online at 10am, and be ready to partake of Holy Communion. Expect a miracle from our miracle working God, in Jesus Name!

In His amazing love, Esther
