Today’s devotion is part two of Sunday’s message from Nicholas Van Rensburg, in written form

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The devotion for today comes from Psalm 34:8

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good. 

God is good – all the time!

Jesus said in John 10:10 that the devil is the one who comes to steal to kill and destroy but Jesus has came to do good, to bring life and life more abundantly. Do you see the contrast? The nature of the devil is to destroy, to steal and to kill and the very nature of God is goodness – ALL of His intent and ALL that He does is Good… God is completely 100% good and the devil is completely 100% evil and bad.

Many people sadly don’t really know or understand the goodness of God and so they bring His goodness into question - they doubt it and question it! Here is the problem - If we question His goodness, we will question His promises, and if we question His promises, we undermine our own destiny

Just look at the children of Israel, after leaving Egypt - they constantly questioned the goodness of God, they constantly questioned the promises of God and as a result, they never made it to the Promised Land. 

When you don’t understand your situation, when your faith is being tested and if you are ever tempted to question God’s goodness -  lift your hands immediately and begin to worship God and declare His goodness and then watch what God begins to do for you, in you and through you. 

When we begin to understand the goodness of God we can appropriate the greatness of God…

Many of us need a revelation of the goodness of God. Revelation comes to us as we encounter the Lord – revelation comes as we taste and see for ourselves that He is good. It is only when it is revealed to you that it will empower you. As you grow in the revelation of the goodness of God you will begin to appropriate and see the Goodness of God in operation in your life. 

The Bible says that EVERY good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. - (James 1:17)If something good happens to you, it is ALWAYS God! That’s because He is ALWAYS Good! There is no variation and no shadow of turning – in other words, not even God can stop His goodness – He is the epitome of Goodness! 

Look at the battle of King Jehoshaphat, three nations rose up against him to kill him and his army. I don’t know what you might be facing or what might be coming against you but I know that what worked for king Jehoshaphat will work for you. He firstly sought the Lord for direction and then he put his worship first, declaring, “God is GOOD, and His mercy endures forever!” 

As a worship leader I often see people come into church during the second song or third song or after worship is done. Well if that’s you, I’m not trying to call you out but you obviously don’t have a revelation of worship. When we put our worship first, it is powerful. When we worship God we are giving God the authority and the access to fight on our behalf. 

Just like Jehoshaphat, put your worship and your praise first and begin to declare the goodness of God. King Jehoshaphat had his worship team sing, “The Lord is GOOD! And his mercy endures forever.” – Begin to declare His goodness today and as you do, you will release His power! God is good – all the time!