Today’s devotion is from Ephesians 2:10 (TPT)

We have become His poetry, a re-created people that will fulfill the destiny He has given each of us, for we are joined to Jesus, the Anointed One. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it! 

The Father sees you as His poetry, His masterpiece! He sees you as His child, made in His image and doing His works in His Name. He sees you in Christ, joined to Jesus the Anointed One.

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How do you believe God sees you?

Some believe that the Lord is only pleased with them when they do everything right, when they are successful, and when their day is filled with prayer, the Word and with faith. Walking in success and being consistent and strong in prayer and in faith does please God, in other words, He is pleased with right actions and blessed results, but the bottom line is that He is pleased with you and loves you regardless of your works. He sees you as His child and He is proud of you on your greatest day of failure. What does God see when He looks at me? He looks beyond the dirt and sees the diamond inside of me and He does the same when He looks at you.  

Many Christians believe that the Lord continually judges them in the light of their obedience, their performance and their conduct… 

At the moment of failure, many Christians feel condemned and believe when God looks at them, that He is disappointed in them. Many believe that He is not pleased with them and that bad things are going to happen as a result of their failures or mistakes. Some even believe that because of their failure that God sees nothing good. They believe He is angry and disappointed with them, and wants to punish them for their failures.”

 The bible tells us that Faith pleases God… He is pleased when we put all of our trust in Him, not when we try to please Him with our conduct. When we receive His love and acceptance by faith as a free gift, that pleases Him. When we think that our good works are required for Him to be happy with us, that grieves Him.

What hope is there in the belief that when you do right, you are blessed, but when you fail, you are cursed? This was exactly how the Old Covenant of the law worked.

The GOOD NEWS is that the Father has established a New Covenant that is based on what Jesus has done and is not based on our works, our failures or our achievements.The New Covenant is a covenant of grace…It’s a covenant in which the Lord lovingly says, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deedsI will remember no more” (Heb. 8:12).

In our New Covenant of Grace, when the Father looks at you, He sees Jesus… perfect, righteous and holy! Because of Calvary the Father sees us ‘IN THE BELOVED’… He sees us in Christ, and He sees us through the blood that has been shed for us by His Son. Because of what Jesus did on the cross, because of the New Covenant, the Father’s thoughts toward you are thoughts of loving-kindness, forgiveness, blessings, and favor.

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