Today’s devotion is from Romans 8:17

If we are His children, then we are His heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, sharing His inheritance with Him

You are a joint heir with Christ and every good gift from the Father is yours! Paul says in Ephesians 1:3 that the Fatherthrough our Lord Jesus Christ, “HAS blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.”


Spiritual blessings include EVERY blessing. It includes healing and divine health, provision, prosperity, joy, peace, the gifts of the Spirit, blessed relationships and basically, EVERYTHING that blesses.

Notice that God “HAS already” blessed us! He’s not “going to bless us” one fine day; He’s not waiting for us to earn His blessings before He releases them into our lives. He has already blessed us with “every spiritual blessing.” So, instead of accepting continual hardship, use your faith to receive breakthrough and blessing.

Many in the body of Christ are constantly struggling with one thing or another. Constant struggles can cause a person to loose their joy, to lack energy and enthusiasm, and to constantly be in a place of just barely getting by. To many Christians it seems that the harder they try, the more they struggle. These are believers who love God, but they’ve not yet learned how to live in the fullness of His best and either do not know what they have inherited in Christ, or they do not know how to receive their inheritance and walk in it. Some are living under the burden of trying to earn God’s favor or blessings rather instead of just receiving and enjoying the benefits of receiving their inheritance from Him. 

In the New Covenant, we receive by grace, through faith through our words of faith…

“For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto healing, unto provision, unto prosperity, unto wisdom, unto peace and unto our inheritance through salvation. 

Jesus said that if you saysomething in faith, you will have what you saywhen you pray. When we speak God’s Word in faith, our words of faith become receivers of our inheritance. Then as we step out in faith, believing that we have what we say, whatever we have said will manifest in our lives for us to enjoy and walk in - Selah