Today’s devotion is from 2 Peter 1:1-2 

To those who have obtained like precious faith with us by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ: Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.

As we connect with others of like precious faith, as we connect with others that have a revelation of the New Covenant of grace, that we are the righteousness of God in Christ… as we connect with those of this like precious faith in these last days, grace and peace will be multiplied to us in the knowledge of Jesus, our Lord! 

Friends, we really have to be Spirit led concerning who we are connected with…

Do not become a partner in business with someone who is not of like precious faith, do not go to a church and connect with people that are not of like precious faith, and whatever you do, do not marry someone, or date someone who is not of like precious faith. You can love everybody, but only connect to people of like precious faith… people who know the righteousness of God and know that they are the righteousness of God in Christ.

If we connect with the wrong people, grace and peace will not be multiplied to us and life will become stressful and hard to bare. Some people will connect to people because they like them, or they will connect to churches because that is where their family or friends go, or because they have a good children’s ministry, or a good youth ministry, or nice facilities. They sit under teachings of death every Sunday and endure a shallow program driven environment and they wonder why they are so miserable. People partner with unbelievers because they have money or skill… they date, or get married to a person who has totally different values, and the wonder why their lives are in turmoil…

Friend, love everybody, reach out to everybody, minister to everybody, but only connect and become a part of people of like precious faith in the New Covenant of grace in Christ. As you do, grace and peace will be multiplied (not added), multiplied to you – Selah!