Today’s devotion is from 1 Corinthians 1:30
‘But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.’
We are not only righteous legally in Christ under the New Covenant, as born again, new creatures in Christ, Jesus became our righteousness. As born again believers in Christ, we are as righteous as Jesus… He became FOR US wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. Now we have become wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption in Christ.
When you got born again, you were not ‘washed clean’ by the blood of Jesus; the old you was ‘put to death’ by the blood of Jesus and the new you was ‘made alive’ by the blood of Jesus… old things have ‘passed away’ and all things have become new… you ‘became’ a new righteous, clean, grace filled, powerful creature in Christ, not an old, ‘but washed’ creature.
Now that we are born again we are continually washed and continually made clean by the blood of Jesus… that is the process of sanctification.
You WERE born again, redeemed and made new… and the moment you got born again you BECAME righteous. Now, in Christ you are continually being made wisdom and you are continually being sanctified and made pure in Christ… each moment of every day you can confess, “But of Him I am in Christ Jesus, who became for me wisdom from God—and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. I am the wisdom of God, I have been redeemed, I have been made righteous and I am continually being sanctified and purified and washed by the blood of Jesus!”
All of this is who you became and who you are being made in Christ because of the finished work of Jesus. None of this is attributed to, or can be achieved by your works. When you received Jesus, you were redeemed and you became righteous in Him, now you are continually being transformed and perpetually being made holy, pure and wise in Him because of Him and by the power of regeneration in Christ. Your works and your obedience and your walk of faith is an overflow of WHO you have been made, you works cannot redeem you, qualify you, or make you sanctified, or pure, or wise or righteous.
Here is E.W. Kenyon/s revelation on our righteousness…
“I Cor. 1:30, Jesus is declared to be our Righteousness. ‘But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who was made unto us wisdom from God, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.’ Here God declares He is our Righteousness. And in 2 Cor. 5:21, by the New Birth He makes us His Righteousness in Christ. No man who has received Eternal Life and given his spirit an opportunity to develop by feeding on the Word can ever challenge his standing with the Father. Never again will he shrink under that sin teaching of the modern pulpit and look upon himself as a failure and sin-ruled. He is a master. He has as much a right before the throne of grace as Jesus has upon it. He has as much a right in the Father’s presence as the Father has a right to sit upon His own throne. Why? Because the Father Himself planned the Redemption and wrought the Redemption through His Son, and sets His seal upon that Redemptive work by making the believer in Jesus Christ Righteous with His own Righteousness.” (Excerpt From: E.W. Kenyon. “The Two Kinds of Righteousness.”)