Today’s New devotion is from Acts 13:52

And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.’


There is a Holy Ghost infilling of Joy that is available to every believer…

A fresh infilling with Holy Ghost joy is life transforming. His joy flows like a river full of life and power and His joy is our strength. Laughing and expressing joy in the Holy Ghost is a infilling… when the scripture says that the disciples were FILLED with joy, it describes a Holy Ghost inpouring. Jesus is holding a huge fire-hose of high-pressure joy to your heart, and as you drink of it, it will flood your innermost being and then rivers of joy will begin to burst forth out of you.

Ask the Father for a Holy Ghost infilling of Joy, and when you do, make sure that you are not driving… the river of joy is potent and you will probably get really intoxicated with anointed Holy Ghost wine and glory as the euphoric, ecstatic joy of the Holy Ghost floods you and bubbles forth out of you!