
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Many people only read the first part of Romans 8:28… ‘And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God…’ however, we know just by observing people’s lives that many times things do not work out that great for people who love God. The part that many people leave out is of paramount importance… ‘to those who are the called according to His purpose.’

The Greek word translated as ‘to those who are’ is ‘ὤν ṓn’, or ‘oan’… a better translation of the latter part of Romans 8:28 would be, “to those who are living their life in accordance with their calling”… you see, many are called, but few are chosen. The ‘chosen’ are the ones who receive revelation knowledge concerning their calling, and then dedicate their lives to it'… so, all things do not work together for good to those who are called, but to those who yield to the call and live, move and have their being immersed in their calling in Christ.

*In this Sundays message (highly recommended) and in yesterday’s devotional there is an in-depth teaching on knowing your calling… click on the button below to view this powerful service.

The promise of the Lord working all things together for the good is for those who love Him and are living their lives for His purpose according to His calling on their lives – Paul said, “to live is Christ and to die is gain…” It is when we live a life focusing and prioritizing His purpose and our calling in life that all things work together for our Good. You see, when believers align themselves with the Lord’s plan for their lives and make that their focus and their priority, they place themselves in partnership with the Lord – when you are in partnership with the Lord, all things work together for your good! Such a person will still have challenges and will still endure hardship, but even the challenges, the tests and the hardship will be worked together for their good!

The Amplified Bible says, ‘We are assured and know that God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.’ - Romans 8:28 (AMPC)

Paraphrase… ‘You can be fully assured that all things work together for good, success and victory for those who love God and are living their lives according to Jesus’ calling on their lives.’

Sadly, many believers do not have a revelation of what the are called to do, others have received the revelation, but will not yield to their calling.



2 Peter 1:10 says, ‘Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, (to make your calling your priority) for if you do these things (the things that you are called to do) you will never stumble.

When we live our lives on the right road – when we live a life, focused and consumed with our calling, when we live our lives and use our faith to continue the works of Jesus, THEN all things will work together for our good and we will never stumble!

Matthew 10:39 says, ‘All who seek to live apart from Me will lose it all. But those who let go of their lives for My sake and surrender it all to Me will discover true life!’ - Matthew 10:39 (TPT)

Paraphrase – Those who prioritize life and things outside of my calling will lose whatever they have prioritized, but those who let go of everything other than My calling will discover true life and be blessed with Abundant life and all of my blessings.

Take your focus away from everything and place it on your calling. Seek first the kingdom of God… make ministry, kingdom business and your calling the center of your focus, the object of your faith and the priority of all that you have and you will receive a hundredfold blessing from the Lord in this lifetime…

Mark 10:29-30 (TPT) - “Listen to my words,” Jesus said. “Anyone who leaves his home behind and chooses Me over children, parents, family, and possessions, all for the sake of the gospel, it will come back to him a hundred times as much in this lifetime—homes, family, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, possessions—along with persecutions. And in the age to come, he will inherit eternal life.”

Blessings on you, be strong in the power of His might,

In His amazing love, Nick
