
Today’s devotion is from Psalm 51:12 (TPT)

Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough You bring to me. Hold me close to You with a willing spirit that obeys whatever You say.

Psalm 51 was composed by David as a confession to God after he sinned with Bathsheba. “Create a new, clean heart within me. Fill me with pure thoughts and holy desires, ready to please You. May You never reject me!
May You never take from me Your sacred Spirit! Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough You bring to me. Hold me close to You with a willing spirit that obeys whatever You say.”

Psalm 51 is a great example of what godly repentance should look like. David is not succumbing to condemnation, but is responding to godly conviction. He is asking the Holy Spirit to help him change what he cannot change in his own strength.

In his prayer of repentance, David asks the Holy Spirit to restore his passion. Right living without passion leads to ‘going through the motions’ in life ‘numb’ and aimless… ‘you love Jesus, you are not sinning, but there is no life in you…’ friend, do not let the devil steal your passion!

Joyful passion in life comes from the Lord… without it, even the smallest of tasks can seem daunting. Passion is joyful, vision filled, anointed Holy Ghost power! Anointed, Holy Ghost, joyful passion is an unstoppable force!


As David prays for his passion to be restored, he adds, “Hold me close to You…” When we do something wrong, the devil tries to use our wrong actions to make a wedge of separation between us and the Lord - Do not yield to that… draw close, even when your flesh wants to run away!

As a branch has to be connected to the vine to bear fruit, we must remain connected. Connected to Jesus, connected to the team that we are called to and connected to our purpose.

If we allow ourselves to become disconnected to the Lord and to what the Lord has connected us to, then life, strength, passion and joy in living life will begin to leak out – dryness will set in and with dryness, heaviness, weakness and faithless apathy.

If you feel your passion and your joy slipping away, pray David’s prayer… “Let my passion for life be restored, tasting joy in every breakthrough You bring to me. Hold me close to You with a willing spirit that obeys whatever You say.” Then say, “I receive renewed passion and joy in the Lord, right now by grace through faith!”

Now, reconnect deeply with the Lord in the realm of the Spirit, reconnect and reinforce your commitment to your relationships in the Lord, and finally, awaken to your calling and purpose in life with renewed passion and joyful expectation!

Blessings on you, Nick
