Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Corinthians 4:13-15 (TPT)

We have the same Spirit of faith that is described in the Scriptures when it says, “First I believed, then I spoke in faith.” So we also first believe then speak in faith. We do this because we are convinced that He who raised Jesus will raise us up with Him, and together we will all be brought into His presence. Yes, all things work for your enrichment so that more of God’s marvelous grace will spread to more and more people, resulting in an even greater increase of praise [causing thanksgiving to superabound,] bringing Him even more glory.

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Grace causes thanksgiving to superabound!

The more that we meditate on the grace of God towards us, the more that we walk in that grace, the more that His grace causes thanksgiving to superabound towards the Father, bringing Him even more glory!

May your heart of thanksgiving toward our loving Father be in overflow today! May it be in flood stage! You are being raised up by the Father as a royal priesthood, as kings and as priests to reign in life in Christ. His grace and His gift of righteousness has removed every barrier of disqualification – you are being brought into His presence and raised up in the atmosphere and the anointing of His presence whereby His grace you will be enriched in every way – as the eyes of your understanding are opened in this revelation, get ready for thanksgiving to begin to superabound like a rushing river!

Blessings on you, Nick

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