Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Hebrews 4:1 (TPT)

Now God has offered to us the same promise of entering into His realm of resting in confident faith (as He did Israel). So we must be extremely careful to ensure that we all embrace the fullness of that promise and not fail to experience it.

When the Holy Spirit refers to ‘faith rest’ in Hebrews 4, He is not referring to our activity or our productivity level… He is referring to resting in our faith and trusting in Him, instead of stressing, worrying and striving.

Hebrews 4:10-11 says, “As we enter into God’s faith-rest life we cease from our own works, just as God celebrates His finished works and rests in them. So then we must give our all and be eager to experience this faith-rest life…”

I love the way The Passion Translation puts it, ‘God’s faith rest life’… the Lord wants us to cease from our own works (trying to figure things out on our own, trying to fix things and trying to rescue things). Entering into a realm of inner ‘faith rest’, knowing that the Lord will make a way, knowing that He will provide and knowing that He will do what He has promised pleases the Lord.

Don’t stress, rest! Resting in the Lord is the highest level of faith – “Lord, I cast my cares upon You, I rest in You by faith, I let go of stress, I let go of trying to make things happen, and I enter into Your rest by faith, right now!”

Moses had to enter into ‘faith rest’ with the army behind him and the sea ahead of him – Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego entered into ‘faith rest’ as they were about to be cast into the fire – Daniel entered into ‘faith rest’ as he was being cast into the lion’s den – and Jehoshaphat and Judah entered into ‘faith rest’, as they marched toward the three armies, singing “praise the Lord, for His mercies endure forever”.

Enter into ‘faith rest’ today, God is working everything that you are facing right now for your good… you have prayed, you have made your confessions and declarations of faith, you have sowed financial seeds in faith… now rest and be a witness, as the Lord makes a way!

Blessings on you, Nick
