Today’s devotion is from Galatians 5:16 (TPT)

As you yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit, you will abandon the cravings of your self - life.

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We can yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit or we can yield to the traps of the enemy that are designed to steal, kill and destroy.

I went to the grocery store on Sunday evening around 10pm; I had been up since before 4am and was tired after a long, wonderful day… After getting a few things, I left my new IPhone X in the shopping cart by mistake. I only noticed that my phone was missing the next morning. It seems that someone else decided to bless themselves with my phone and did not turn it in. 

Now, I have to admit, initially, I was mad at myself for leaving the phone in the cart, then I was mad and discouraged at the whole situation… right then, the Holy Spirit said to me, “are you going to yield to sadness, disappointment and being upset, or are you going to yield freely and fully to My dynamic life and power?” I immediately made a life choice; I took my thoughts captive and I surrendered my will to the leading of the Holy Spirit… I prayed a blessing on whoever the person was that blessed themselves with my phone and yielded myself to the comfort of the Holy Spirit and to the peace and joy and abundance found in Christ.

We have opportunities every day to yield to our flesh, the traps of the enemy or to yield freely and fully to the dynamic life and power of the Holy Spirit. If you yield to disappointment, it will invite it’s friend ‘depression’ and depression will invite it’s friend anger, and then anger will invite it’s friend hopelessness to your pity party. Before you know it you will find yourself disappointed, depressed, angry, hopeless and defeated. This can lead to compromise and other actions that you will have to repent for later. 

If you yield your pinky to the devil, he will take your whole hand and then he will pull you and whoever you are attached to right into the mud. As you go through your day, yield to life and as you do you will remain in a place where you can be Jesus’ hand extended instead of being stuck in a self focused trap of misery.

 By the way, in addition to being a blessing to the person who helped themselves to my phone, I got to bless T Mobile with $275 for my insurance deductible, I got to interact with several people employed by T Mobile and while a brand new iPhone X is on it’s way to me, I get to be blessed with peace and quiet and freedom from my phone for a few days. By this time next week, I will have forgotten the whole thing and moved on… also, FYI, Jehovah Jireh, my Provider has a deal with the devil… If the devil steals anything from me, he has to repay me 7x! Good times are coming my way!!!