Today’s devotion is from John 8:32 (NLT)

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

Some people say, “The truth will set you free”, but truth alone does not set people free, it’s the truth that they KNOW that will set them free.


Truth is a person [Jesus] and truth includes His wisdom, His viewpoint, His knowledge and His values. As we receive a supernatural revelation of Who Jesus is and as we embrace Him in our knowledge of Him we will be set free from one degree of freedom to another.

As an example, many believers know that the bible says that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, they know that the bible says the by the stripes of Jesus we have been healed and they know that the bible says that we have freely been given everything that we need for life and godliness, but they are still sick, in bondage and in lack. They have head knowledge of the bible, but is has not become the truth that they KNOW and walk in.  

As believers KNOW Jesus as their Healer, faith will rise up in then and they will no longer sit in the wheelchair, but instead dance around the wheelchair. The same is TRUE about freedom and provision and every other promise of God. Knowing the Truth, KNOWING Jesus as the truth and having supernatural revelation knowledge on the inside of us concerning Who He is, What He has done for us, who we are in Him, what we can do through Him and what He can do through us will set us free. True freedom is KNOWING the truth to the extent that you WALK in it. True freedom equals possession of the promise.

Make it your number one goal to KNOW Jesus in the power of His resurrection and in the fellowship of His suffering, forget everything else that lays behind you and press on to the high calling of God in Christ… to KNOW Him! The more that you know Him, the more that you will walk in health, in prosperity, in joy, in peace and in freedom.