Today’s devotion is from Psalm 126:1-3

‘When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.” The Lord has done great things for us, and we are glad.’


In Christ you are no longer held captive to any of the works of the enemy, in Christ, you can dream again, hope again, believe again and live again. When you consider His goodness, you have something to smile about, something to laugh about and something to sing about.

Sometimes we smile by faith…

No, you will not always feel like smiling, but smile by faith anyway. Faith knows that the devil is defeated, that all things are working together for our good in Christ and that the final outcome of every challenge will be victory, so smile by faith!

Genesis 21:6 says, “And Sarah said, “God has made me laugh, and all who hear will laugh with me.” Sometimes God will make you laugh… He will pour in the oil of joy and stir up laughter in the inside of you, and when He does, don’t resist, just let go and have a good laugh, when you do it will be contagious to all who hear it and they will start laughing as well! 

My grandfather used to tell a funny joke…

A missionary was caught, tied up and put in a pot of water on a fire by a cannibalistic tribe. Every time that they would kindle the fire and make the flames burn stronger the missionary would laugh hysterically… puzzled, the cannibals asked, “why do you laugh every time we make the fire hotter?” The missionary replied, “Every time you kindle the fire, I pee in your soup!” So , every-time the devil tries to stir something up… pee in his soup by trusting in Jesus, and then laugh out loud!