Today’s devotion is from Philippians 4:6-7 

‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.’

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Have you ever been in a place where something bad happened and you found yourself asking the question… “Why did this happen to me? I don’t understand! Did I do something wrong? Did I miss God? I have been praying, receiving communion daily, worshipping the Lord, meditating on the Word and I have tried my best to be led by the Spirit… so, why did this happen?”

Firstly, let me reassure you, the blessings from the Lord are based upon what Jesus has done, not on what you do, or don’t do. Even if you look back and see that maybe you did not follow the leading of the Spirit, or maybe you did not walk in the Word like you should have, or maybe you even fell into sin, the devil still does not have access to destroy your life and bring calamity upon you. This is because your righteousness is not based upon your perfection or your works, your righteousness is based upon Jesus’ perfection and upon His works.

Some believers do give place to the devil in spite of their covenant of grace in Christ, they do so by hardening their heart and by willfully rejecting the leading of the Spirit and the Word that they know to continually and willfully sin. These believers do not ask, “What did I do?”, they fully and clearly know. By the way, if you are one of these, the Lord has surrounded you with His angels, He has raised up intercessors who are continually praying for you, and He is moving Heaven and earth right now to get you back into His loving protection.

Family, if you are facing calamity and if you are asking, “why”, your God of peace is a God that surpasses understanding… what that means, is that even when we do not understand why, He floods us with peace and with reassurance that He is going to work things together for our good.

We will never fully understand why some things happen, but we need to fully understand and be fully persuaded that our mighty, powerful, loving God of grace is on our side and He is bringing us into victory and causing us to triumph. The more that I grow in grace, the less that I ask why? The more that I become fully persuaded of who I am in Christ and Who Christ is in me, the more I am able to rest, knowing that all that I am facing is a snapshot in time! I may not know why, I may not understand, but this one thing I know, my God is willing and able and He is committed to me… My test is turning into a testimony and so is yours, in Jesus Name!