Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Acts 26:14

And when we all had fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the pricks.’

Kikking Against Pricks.jpg

Goads or pricks were sharp metal pieces attached to a stick that herders used to steer their animals with while plowing. Kicking your foot against the pricks would be a painful experience. 

There are pricks or goads in life… if you try to kick against them or resist them in the flesh, you will be the one bleeding in the end. Whether it is a person, a situation or circumstances that are bigger than you, or something else, ask the Lord to help you to discern pricks or goads.

Once you identify them, do not mess with them! Stay clear, smile big and be polite, then walk away as soon as you can. Once you are away, ask the Lord for wisdom. Deal with the person or situation through prayer and as the Spirit leads. If you try to fix the situation, or deal with it in the natural, no matter how right you may be, you will be the one bleeding!

I was at the city and county of Honolulu the other day when I encountered some pricks…

The people in general and the person in particular that I was dealing with was abrupt, authoritarian and was determined to show me who the boss was… a real prick! I had the common sense to answer politely, “Yes sir, no sir, whatever you say sir, have a wonderful day sir”, and then get out of there as fast as I could. I spent some time in prayer and then returned about an hour later while my prickly friend was out to lunch. The new person that I dealt with was friendly efficient and polite. Taking the extra hour saved me many hours and a lot of needless pain!

Be led by the Spirit, live in peace and joy, and remember, when you see a bunch of pricks… have the Spirit sense to deal very carefully and then to walk away as soon as you can. It is hard to kick against the pricks!