Today’s devotion is from Mark 11:23 (AMP)

‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea!’ and does not doubt in his heart [in God’s unlimited power], but believes that what he says is going to take place, it will be done for him [in accordance with God’s will]’

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I have been meditating on this and feeling so thankful to the Lord for the impartation of Faith-filled words into my life, that remind me to walk in Mark 11:23. I am so thankful today, for the Body of Christ and that Jesus is alive and ministering by the Holy Spirit to us, His body, through His precious Word. He is continually sending forth His Word to heal and restore us. I continually see how the Word of God is richly flowing forth. One of the keys is to keep feeding on His Word, keep receiving and to keep speaking forth His Word. 

Even now as you are reading this, you know what you are believing God for; just begin to declare… ‘according to Mark 11:23, I have my mountain moving miracle, I have mountain moving faith and I will continue to speak forth what I am believing God for. I will continue to see the goodness of God revealed in my situations of life’.  Be reminded to not speak the problem, instead proclaim by faith and declare what you are believing God for. 

Keep building your faith to receive, keep your heart in a place of being good ground for the Word, keep hope alive in your heart. The Word of God is richly available to us through wonderful bible programs, apps and links. Make the most of every opportunity to feed yourself the life-giving, living Word of God, so you can continue to speak to the mountains around you and keep doubt away.