
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 8:37-38 (TPT)

‘Yet even in the midst of all these things, we triumph over them all, for God has made us to be more than conquerors, and His demonstrated love is our glorious victory over everything. So now I live with the confidence that there is nothing in the universe with the power to separate us from God’s love. I’m convinced that His love will triumph over death, life’s troubles, fallen angels, or dark rulers in the heavens. There is nothing in our present or future circumstances that can weaken His love.’

The footnotes in The Passion Translation for Romans 8:37 say, “Clearly implied in the text with the Greek word hupernikao. The love of God gives us “a glorious hyper-victory,” more than can be described or contained in one word. God’s love and grace has made us hyper-conquerors, empowered to be unrivaled, more than a match for any foe!”

With this in mind, we do not have to fight the devil or people and situations used by the devil. Jesus TOTALLY defeated and disarmed the devil and all evil and the powers of darkness at the cross of Calvary. We can now rest as more than conquerors in Christ. 

The defeated, disarmed enemy will try to lure us into fights that have already been won to rob us of our peace, our joy and our reward. Do not take the bait and do not allow yourself to get pulled into a devil’s dogfight!

If the enemy tries to lure you into fighting spirits of darkness, do not be drawn in… ours is a FIGHT of faith, not a fight against the devil and the powers of darkness. A fight of faith confesses the good confession of our New Covenant in Christ before many witnesses, (1 Timothy 6:12) it is not a fight against the devil.

Some may ask, well what about Ephesians six… “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

The Greek word translated as wrestle is ‘pálē’, literally translated to ‘vibrate against, and to hold at bay’… as believers we hold the devil down and keep him captive by ‘VIBRATING’ with the anointing, we do not fight him, we bind him and we use the anointing of authority given to us to enforce Christs victory. The ‘vibration’, or the power of the anointing covers us with armor daily. We are to TAKE UP the electric, vibrating, power, anointing of the Holy Ghost and clothe ourselves in it… Luke 24:49

Your victory in Christ is ‘hyper-victory’, over the top victory, more than enough victory, super-victory and a forever settled victory! It is victory over every work of the enemy, victory over sickness, over poverty and lack, over depression, over fear, over hopelessness and over anything that comes against us, our peace, our joy and our blessed life.

By re-entering the fight, people only give the devil place to steal what the Lord has already freely given! Some believers feel the need to spend ninety nine percent of their prayer time fighting devils… they feel the need to FIGHT for everything that the Lord has FREELY given us.

The Lord said to Jehoshaphat, “you do not need to fight, for the battle is the Lord’s, STAND STILL and see the salvation of the Lord! The Lord has ALREADY fought the devil on our behalf and defeated him and disarmed him. Do not be lured into a needless fight, just calmly walk by grace through faith in what you have ALREADY been given, on Jesus Name!

In His amazing love, Nick
