
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Acts 1:8 (TPT)

“But I promise you this—the Holy Spirit will come upon you and you will be filled with power. And you will be my messengers to Jerusalem, throughout Judea, the distant provinces—even to the remotest places on earth!”

God gives power for every assignment. His power includes supernatural ability, supernatural favor, supernatural authority, supernatural gifting’s and supernatural provision. Ask the Holy Spirit to clearly show you each assignment from the Lord, and then believe to receive Holy Ghost POWER for each of those assignments.

Visualize yourself operating in His power while carrying out His assignment, and while you are visualizing it, pray in tongues and believe that you receive power, in Jesus Name! 

Do not step out in your own strength for even the smallest of assignments, make sure that you have been equipped, endowed and filled with supernatural ability, supernatural favor, supernatural authority, supernatural gifting’s and supernatural provision before you step out of the door each morning, before you make a phone call, send a text or touch anybody!

Every person in your life is an assignment, every new person that you will meet today is an assignment… some are ten second assignments, others are lifetime assignments, but know this, you can NEVER succeed in even the smallest of assignments in your own strength power or ability! Most people know that they need power if they are going to do something big, but many think that they can handle the small things on their own and it is usually the small things that defeat them.  

Holy Ghost power… don’t leave home without it! In fact, don’t leave your bedroom without it!

In His amazing love, Nick

Please join us today for a powerful time of life-transforming, Spirit filled worship, holy communion and an anointed message that will equip you for such a time as this!

Today’s message at Amazing Love is “THE EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF HIS POWER IN US.” God never intended for us to carry out His purpose in our own strength or ability. Jesus wants to do mighty exploits through us by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Father wants to open the eyes of your understanding and give you a revelation and an impartation about His miracle working power working in and through you. 

Come and receive revelation, impartation, inspiration and power in this life-transforming service. 

If you cannot make our in-person service, join us online at 10am on Facebook, YouTube and at http://www.amazinglovehawaii.com/livestream
