Today’s devotion is from Hebrews 8:6 (NLT)

‘Now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for He is the One Who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.’ 

I am continuing with yesterday’s teaching, so, if you want to re-read yesterday’s teaching, please click on the link below. 

The New Covenant is a better covenant based upon better promises and it is fully based upon what Jesus did for us on the cross of Calvary and not upon our works.  

It is a covenant of grace…


The Holy Spirit says in Ephesians 2:8-9 that we have been SAVED by grace through faith, and that not of ourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.

Grace is unmerited favor restored towards the Father. So, the New Covenant of grace is not based upon the works of any man, it is entirely based upon the works of Jesus. The word salvation includes deliverance, provision, healing, prosperity, divine health, protection as well as every blessing from the Lord. 

When we receive Jesus as our Savior, we receive the GRACE that He has earned, and then freely given to us. In other words, unmerited favor towards the Father is given and restored to us. Under the Old Covenant, our sin and the sins of our forefathers had removed favor and had separated us from the Father. He is 100% holy and cannot have anything to do with sin or sinful nature. Jesus paid the price for our sin and now in Him, our favor towards the Father is restored. That is why we call it the covenant of grace. 

With favor towards the Father restored there is no longer anything that can separate us from Him. Because we are now in His presence and because no work of the enemy can stand in His presence, we now have access to all of Heaven’s blessings in Christ through our New Covenant of grace. 

Unmerited favor with the Father equals the gifts of the Spirit, the power of God, supernatural ability, the authority of Jesus and the unlimited resources of Heaven. We access all of this by grace through faith, not of works, lest any man should boast. That is why Paul said, “Your GRACE is all I need, for because of your grace, when I am weak, then I am strong in Your strength, ability, wisdom and power”. Grace through Christ gives us access to the power, the authority and the resources of the Father.

God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense!

Thank you Jesus for my covenant of grace!