Today's devotion is from is from James 1:2

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials”

The Bible tells us that in this life there will be tribulations. 1 Peter 4:12 tells us not to think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you.

As I go through the Bible and study the lives of the most spiritual, powerful, godly men and women, starting at Adam and ending at the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos in the book of Revelation, not one man or woman has figured out a way to somehow bypass hardship, trials and tribulation.

Not one person, including Jesus Christ, the Son of God lived without challenges, hardship or pain.

It is a fabrication of truth to think that of we do everything right, and if every decision we make is one hundred percent Spirit led that we will live in a trial free, hardship free utopia. No matter how godly you are, and no matter how led of the Spirit you are, you are going to encounter difficult, hard, uncomfortable times of great challenge.

The question is not how to avoid hardship, the question is how do we handle hardship when it comes?

Do we fall apart and have a flesh fit, or do we count it all joy and laugh at things, knowing that because of Jesus, every test we face will become a testimony.

Family, we have to start counting it all joy.

Complaining, losing faith and getting into the flesh will never make your hardship go away, it will only make what you are facing cause greater destruction. Getting in faith, and even laughing by faith at the devil's attempts to derail God’s promises will open the door for victory.

The Bible says in Isaiah 12:3 that it is with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

Joy makes a withdrawal of whatever we need that Jesus provided for us through salvation. Provision, healing, protection, deliverance and every blessing is included in salvation.

Joy draws the water from the well of salvation, so when you choose joy over sorrow, faith over fear, and peace over worry… when you laugh at things instead of getting angry or upset, instead of compressing the problem and making it worse, you make a withdrawal from the well of salvation and with Jesus all things begin to work together for your good.

By making a withdrawal from the well of salvation your test becomes a testimony, your trial becomes a triumph and your battle becomes a victory.

I think, in general that most Christians need to lighten up, develop a bigger sense of humor and laugh a lot more.

Jesus wants us to live a good, joyful, abundant life in spite of circumstances, after all, if God is for us [and He is…] who can be against us?


Father, in Christ I count everything I encounter in life as JOY.

I draw water from the well of salvation with joy, and as Job said, I laugh at the threat destruction and famine.

I am more than a conqueror in Christ, and He always causes me to triumph.

I choose joy as an act of faith in the face of my challenges, I draw water from the well of salvation in the time of my trouble and I walk in joy as I choose to enjoy the abundant life in Christ.

Laughter is like medicine and the joy of the Lord is my strength!