Today's devotion is from 1 Peter 1: 8-9

“You love Him even though you have never seen Him. Though you do not see Him now, you trust Him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy. The reward for trusting Him will be the salvation of your souls.”

We have not seen Him, but we love Him, we have not seen Him or met Him in the natural but we have experienced Him in the Spirit realm…

We know His presence and we believe in Him and His Word,

His presence within, has truly brought an inexpressible glorious joy into our lives, we can never doubt Him- His existence or His presence. He is so real in our lives. This reality imparts such a powerful hope leading to unshakable faith!

The Bible says though we have not seen Him, we are FILLED with His joy.

That word 'Filled' is a present tense, active word.

As we begin to meditate on what Jesus did on the cross, as we begin to thank Him … He begins to FILL US with Joy that in indescribable. He fills us with HOPE that the enemy cannot shake or steal.

In Jesus our souls are forever saved from being lost.

No wonder when we meet other Christians we feel like family, because we were all lost and now we together are found and divinely brought into His Kingdom of life and light by His saving power. 

It’s a supernatural thing – you cannot earn this but you can receive it as a free gift by grace through faith.

The love of God is the highest level of the supernatural that you can encounter. 

His love changes us, unites us and brings us out of darkness into reconciliation with Him. The Father's love comforts, embraces, strengthens us and brings us into relationship with Him through Jesus. It was that love for us that allowed the Father to send Jesus to the cross and now through Jesus, that love has reconciled us to the Father.


Father, I thank You that You love me. Even though I cannot see You with my natural eyes, I can feel Your love every single moment.

Your love makes me alive, overflowing with joy and full of hope and faith.

Lord I love You even though I have never seen You. Though I do not see You, I trust You and rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.