Today's devotion is from Acts 16:31

“Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.”

The Lord revealed and impressed on my heart that so many believers are standing in the gap for their loved ones and praying for situations in their families where they are needing miracles of provision, healing and salvation or a miracle breakthrough regarding loved ones who are in pain from grief, divorce, depression, stress, loss and other situations.

The Word of God says that when we believe in the Lord Jesus, we will be saved, along with everyone in our household”

In the original Greek, the word “salvation” includes Healing, Deliverance, Prosperity, Provision and Life. This promise of healing, deliverance, prosperity, provision and life is to you and your entire family. When the Life of Jesus touches anything, it begins to live, heal, thrive, change and grow.

Today, as you put your Faith and trust in what Jesus did on the cross 2000 years ago – Begin to thank the Father for what He has done for you and for your entire family through Jesus, begin to lay hold of His salvation made available not only to you, but to your family. Begin to lay hold of this promise now as you stand on Acts 16:31 by believing in Jesus and what He has promised in His Word regarding your family, and then begin to thank Him that it is done, in Jesus Name!

My prayer today is that you begin to thank Jesus for His great salvation, made available to you and your Family. His life giving power is there to touch, change and bring Life to you and your entire family.

Begin to share the life and power of what Jesus did on the cross for your family with them in love… Encourage  your whole family and let them know that Jesus wants them blessed. Let them know that He has set aside a blessing and a rich inheritance that has their name on it. Share with them that as they place their trust in Him, they will immediately step into the blessed life!    


 “Heal and Restore my Family Lord”

Thank you Jesus for your life and power and salvation made available not only to me but to my entire family – Father I thank you for healing, saving and touching my entire family. I lift up my family needs to You – marriage, health, provision, salvation and sound mindedness. I thank you Lord, my entire family will stand full and complete in all the will of God for their lives. I bring every crises situation to you, every spirit of heaviness and depression and discouragement and I thank you NOW Jesus, my entire family is made whole in Jesus Name – I receive Your promises and I rejoice Greatly NOW- in Jesus Mighty, Powerful Name – Hallelujah