Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Mark 11:22-24

So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask [Require, command, demand] when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

Jesus laid out the New Covenant way of praying in faith in Mark 11:22-24…

Mark 11:22-24 is all about prayer and how to pray the prayer of faith under the New Covenant. Instead of begging God, or ritualistic presentations of our wish lists before God, the New Covenant believer has the authority of Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost!

Jesus told us to speak to mountains; in other words, when we pray, to speak to our finances, to our bodies and to our circumstances in faith, and to require, to command and to demand that they do what we say! We do not speak our ‘wishes’ to whatever we are facing, we speak the Word, according to the New Covenant in FAITH. Just like Ezekiel spoke to the dry bones… “dry bones, hear the WORD of the Lord”… Ezekiel demanded, and commanded the mountain that he faced to comply with the WORD of God. AS HE SPOKE (when he prayed) he believed that he received, and he immediately had what he said. When we pray we are to believe that we receive when we pray, not later, when we pray! We are to pray prayer of authority, speaking God’s Word and expecting results. 

As you pray the way Jesus commanded, you receive when you pray… Things immediately move according to your words of faith. What you speak in faith immediately complies to the Word of God in the realm of the Spirit. This is where a lot of believers get mixed up… let’s walk through this… Let’s say for example that a believer gets attacked by a spirit of cancer… they pray the prayer of faith and command the cancer to die at the root, to be plucked up, and to be cast into the sea. When they pray in commanding faith, the spirit of cancer immediately dies in the realm of the spirit, but it can take some time before the cancerous growth dries up in the natural realm. This does not mean that the individual still has cancer! If that believer says, “well, I guess that prayer did not work” if he waits for the healing to manifest in the natural, before he believes that he has received, his unbelief can give new life to what was already dead. No matter what you see in the natural realm, KNOW that once you have prayed the prayer of faith, that the work is done, and in due season, it will manifest in the natural realm!

When you pray the Mark 11:22-24 prayer, count it as done! God is not a man that He should lie! Do not enter into doubt and unbelief while you are waiting for things to manifest in the natural!

When Jesus cursed the fig tree, it immediately died, but the death only manifested in the natural later. Jesus cursed it and then walked away believing… the NEXT DAY the tree was withered up and dead.

Believer in Christ, pray the prayer of faith, speak to the mountain, decree the WORD in authority, by grace, through faith, and when you do, believe that you receive WHEN you pray and you will have it! - Selah

In His amazing love, Nick