Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Hebrews 4:14 

Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast to our confession.

GOD’S WORD Translation say’s, “We need to hold on to our declaration of faith…”

Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope [the confession of what we expect] without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.’”

To hold fast to something is to purposely make an effort to actively and steadfastly persist without wavering. As believers we need to meditate upon the New Covenant Word of God, until we determine beyond all doubt what we believe and what we expect… then, once are FULLY convinced… once we fully expect to function, to live, and to walk in the blessings of the New Covenant, then we need to declare and confess what we believe. To ‘hold fast’ to what we are declaring by faith, is to ‘keep speaking’ the word of faith purposely, actively, and continually… steadfastly persisting without wavering, regardless of circumstances!

Many Christians do not know the New Covenant, therefore they do not know what to expect, and so their confession is  “que será, será, whatever will be, will be, the future is not ours to see, que será, será…” (for you younger generation, those are the words to a popular song that was released in 1956.) Ignorant believers say things like, “well, we never know what is going to happen”, or, “anything can happen and probably will”, or “we will never know the will of God”. They think that faith is blindly being open to anything and everything, and just making the best of what they are facing. That is not New Covenant FAITH! New Covenant faith STANDS upon the WORD and then declares it, expecting to receive what is says, and rejecting everything else!  

Our New Covenant promises and the will of God is clear…

Jesus gave His life for us to prosper and be in health even as our soul prospers, Jesus gave His life so that we could live an abundant life of health, prosperity, peace, joy and blessing. We have been given EVERYTHING pertaining to life and godliness. We will be given 100 times more, concerning anything that we may give up to follow our call, and it will be given to us ‘in this lifetime’. We have verse upon verse, chapter upon chapter, book upon book and promise upon promise in the Word so that we can KNOW what to expect.  

Our job is to study and meditate upon the New Covenant WORD, and to renew our minds until we are fully convinced; and then to start decreeing and declaring what we fully expect. When we confess what we are expecting, according to the Word, our persistent, unwavering confession gives life to our expectations. Hold fast to your confession, purposely make an effort to actively and steadfastly persist in your declaration of faith without wavering, for He who promised is faithful - Selah

In His amazing love, Nick