Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 7:38 (TPT)

Believe in Me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you, flowing from your innermost being, just like the Scripture says!”

As I was meditating on this verse this week, the Lord spoke this sentence to me – “When you believe in Me and My Word; that trust, and that believing produces life-giving power in you to function”.  

When this scripture talks about ‘living water’ that will burst out from within in you, or as the Amplified Bible says, “from his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living waters” – it is saying that His river within will never stop flowing, as long as we keep believing, we keep receiving, and we keep experiencing the flow of His life-giving power. 

Nick and I were talking this week about Joni Lamb, whose husband, Marcus went to be with Jesus. We were talking about the supernatural strength that she is walking in; being on tv, sharing with the world the day of his passing away… by grace, through faith, she was able to rise beyond her personal pain and grieving, and speak life with supernatural strength and ability – friends, that is His life-giving power… 

His river brings life into our innermost being, and then overflows out of our innermost being. As we put our trust and faith in Jesus, our Savior… as we allow His Word to be the center part of our thoughts…. His life-giving power will begin to flow through us like a river – bringing the life of His presence within… not only to us personally, but to everyone that our lives touch.  

I had the opportunity this week to pray healing for a total stranger who called me regarding a business deal. I could tell this person was lonely, and as I gave her the opportunity to share what she was dealing with, it opened the door for me to pray a powerful Holy Spirit directed prayer.  

His life-giving power is flowing through us… through our lives, touching others…His river is flowing… bringing life to others. Friends, let the river flow. Keep believing, keep trusting, keep receiving…. Let the river flow.

In His amazing love, Esther