Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Proverbs 15:13

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.

Have you ever considered your countenance? When people look at you, what do they see? Do you project a ‘heavy countenance’, a sad countenance, an intimidating countenance, a defeated countenance, a solemn countenance, or do you project a glad, positive, loving, embracing, cheerful countenance?

The answer for many is… “That depends on the time of day, my circumstances and who I am with at the time.”

Your countenance is like a sign that people read… it is very important! Somebody once said, “if you are happy, please let your face know”. Here in Hawaii, hula dancers are taught to always smile while they are dancing… professional singers, musicians and actors are all taught the value of their countenances.

As believers, we represent Jesus… the countenance of Jesus always shows joy, faith, love, grace and peace – as His representatives on earth, our countenances should not be subject to circumstances, your countenance should always shine… it should always be a display of hope, grace, love, peace and joy!

I am not saying to put on a fake countenance… what I am saying, is that you can control your countenance by faith! Smile by faith, let love shine out of your eyes as you impart it to those around you by faith, embrace those around you with a countenance that says, “I believe in you, I am excited to see you, I am here to lift you, I am here to impart joy and hope and faith to you… by faith, in Jesus Name!”

A merry heart is the greatest key to a cheerful countenance… a merry heart is a heart that is focused on the WORD, not on the WORLD. You can be HAPPY when circumstances are good, but you can only be joyful, or merry in your HEART, regardless of circumstances, when your FOCUS is on the Word, your FAITH is in Jesus, and your FUTURE is in His hands!

Your flesh can be irritated, sad, overwhelmed, or even angry, but beyond the realm of your flesh, there is a NEW CREATION… the REAL YOU, and the real you has a merry heart, regardless of those flesh feelings. You can be controlled by your flesh, and it’s feelings, or, you die to your flesh, dig deep, and let the new you in Christ influence your countenance, regardless of how your flesh is feeling!

Have you ever noticed that one person with a defeated, heavy, solemn countenance can change the atmosphere in a room full of people? Never be that person! Always be the one who lights up the room! Let light and life and love flow out of your countenance, your voice and your body language… let Jesus shine through you at all times, in all groups and in every situation, in Jesus Name!

In His amazing love, Nick