Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 5:17

‘For if by the one man’s sin death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.’


Grace gives us the supernatural ability and favor to reign in LIFE through Christ! ‘LIFE’ is the supernatural POWER of God to reign. New Covenant ‘zoë LIFE’ is anointed LIFE that imparts dominion power. Zoë life is more than being alive and not being dead… zoë LIFE is the divine force of God that is made up of the electricity, the power, the anointing and the light of God. Zoë Life comes with authority and power to reign! (Zoë is a Greek word that literally means, “life as God lives, life as God gives”)

John 1:4-5 (AMP) In Him was (zoë) LIFE [and the power to bestow (zoë) life], and the (zoë) life was the Light of men. The Light shines on in the darkness, and the darkness did not understand it or overpower it or appropriate it or absorb it [and is unreceptive to it].”

The Passion Translation says, “A fountain of LIFE was in Him, for His life is light for all humanity. And this Light never fails to shine through darkness— Light that darkness could not overcome!”

The LIFE of God is light… it glows with power and it destroys every power of death and darkness.

The same ‘zoë life’ that was in Jesus, is in you and I as believers. This anointing of LIFE empowers us to REIGN in this life through Christ as kings and priests. The ‘kingly anointing’ is to reign as leaders in this world, taking 'dominion' over all of the spirits of darkness, that control the worldly system. This anointing gives us authority over all of the works of the enemy, it gives favor, it attracts, and gives influence towards unsaved people to draw them to the Lord, or to implement God’s plan in this world through divine favor, miracles, signs, wonders and divine authority. The ‘priestly anointing’ is to serve as ministers in the family of God, moving in miracles, signs and wonders. We operate as kings and priests in the anointing of LIFE, through GRACE and LOVE, decreeing His Word in faith, authority and power!

Darkness cannot comprehend (figure out how to overcome) zoë, it cannot penetrate it, or exist in the midst of it! Light never has to fight darkness… as soon as light appears, darkness disappears, GLORY be to God! When you activate the “zoë life” anointing, your ‘Glory LIGHT’ comes on, and all darkness flees!

In His amazing love, Nick