Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Matthew 12:25 (NKJV)

 Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.

The Passion Translation says, “Any kingdom that fights against itself is reduced to ruins. And any family or community splintered by strife will fall apart.’’

 Family, we have to guard the relationships that we have with our family and with the people that the Lord has brought into our lives. One of the greatest weapons that the enemy uses against the body of Christ is division! Division comes through spirits of strife, offense, pride, unforgiveness, judgement, condemnation and failed attempts to control or to manipulate.

 Here is a revelation for you to meditate upon… you can disagree with a person, be disturbed by another’s actions, or be challenged by their attitude without getting offended, angry, hurt, or pulling away from that person! 

 By grace, we have the ability to walk in love, grace, forgiveness and compassion towards people who we disagree with! 

 Christians should NEVER reject one another, give one another ‘silent treatment’ be angry at one another, or allow division to manifest!

 Ephesians 4:26 (AMP) says, “Be angry [at sin—at immorality, at injustice, at ungodly behavior], yet do not sin; do not let your anger [cause you shame, nor allow it to] last until the sun goes down.” 

 You can be angry AT SIN, or ‘towards sin’, but you are NEVER to direct anger at a person! Even the anger that you have towards a sin that someone committed cannot be harbored for more than a day. In fact, never allow another person to walk away before harmony between you and that person is restored! Follow them around if you have to, and FIGHT for PEACE and UNITY!

 Being right is never as important as maintaining unity! The devil of PRIDE will try to get you to walk away in the flesh… hurt, offended, and angry… don’t do it!

 Division will give an opportunity to the devil to destroy everything that you hold dear! 

Get over yourself and do whatever it takes to make things right! I say this lovingly, but with passion! You can do this, no matter how strong your feelings are, or how deep your hurt is! You can do this by His GRACE, in Jesus Name!

 One of the greatest ways that the devil stops revival in the house of God is through division. We are not even to speak, or to pray with offense in our hearts towards another… we are ‘spirit beings’, and if you are speaking negatively against someone else, ‘even in their absence’, their spirit will pick it up, and the devil will be given a place to steal, kill and destroy!

 Did you know that by you allowing yourself to divide yourself against another family member, or person that has been called to be in your life, can hold the whole church back from moving forward?

 I ministered last Sunday on ‘dealing with difficult people’… on dealing with those that you disagree with… in the realm of the Spirit, the Lord allowed me to see that relationship tests were coming, so He gave us all a very strong word, to equip us for the relationship challenges to come… 

 Now, the Lord is revealing to me that many of you have been severely TESTED in the area of your relationships. This devotional teaching is another STRONG, loving, grace-filled word from the Lord to equip you for your PRESENT Relationship challenges as well as those on the horizon that are coming your way.

 DO NOT fall into the devil’s trap… be QUICK to forgive, to let go, to walk in compassion, to walk in grace, and to resolve your relationship issues in prayer. Deal with the source… your battle is not against flesh and blood! Go to the throne of Jesus and INTERCEDE on behalf of those that you are challenged with. Speak LIFE, give LOVE, and give GRACE in a spirit of HUMILITY, in Jesus Name! 

 In His amazing Love, Nick