Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Timothy 6:12 (TPT)

 So, fight with faith for the winner’s prize! Lay your hands upon eternal life, to which you were called and about which you made the good confession before the multitude of witnesses!

 I have had this verse on my heart for the last couple weeks. The Lord keeps reminding me that Jesus paid the price on the cross and fought the battle for us. If you are in a battle, Jesus already paid the price for whatever you are dealing with – physical health, marriage issues, work issues, mental health issues… every battle that has ever, or will ever come your way, was won on calvary 2000 years ago. Every enemy is defeated in Jesus Name! 

You may be thinking “what does that have to do with fighting the fight of faith?” – well, the only battle you are called to fight according to the Word of God is the battle of faith. The bible tells us in 2 Timothy to fight the fight of faith. The Passion Translation says “so fight with faith for the winner’s prize.” Jesus won the battle, now you claim the winner’s prize by receiving your victory by faith.

The Word says that you will have whatever you say, the Word says that according to your faith ‘be it unto you’ – so rise up, get pro-active with your mouth, with your confession of faith, and as Timothy says “Lay your hands upon eternal life…” Jesus paid the price for your eternal life… for your salvation which includes your healing, your deliverance, your provision, and your protection, so rise up and lay hold of what He purchased for you with His own blood. It’s up to you to take it; it’s free, it’s yours… but, you receive it by faith.

 That’s the fight of faith you have been called to – a fight for a prize that was already won for you by Jesus; all you have to do is lay hold of it and by faith receive it. How do you do that? By thanking Him and praising Him and declaring by faith what He has given you and what He has laid up for you.

 When you fight the fight of faith, you speak life over your circumstances, you declare God’s blessing over your marriage, you speak the Word over your health, your finances, and you declare your victory by speaking forth what Jesus did on calvary. Isn’t that just incredible – you don’t have to fight devils, you don’t have to fight people, you don’t have to battle circumstances, or health issues.. you only have to fight that fight of faith.

 When everything around you says, “it’s over”, you declare that victory is yours in Jesus’ name. When the doors in front of you look shut, you speak favor, victory and abundance in Jesus’ name, and doors will supernaturally open!

It’s a fight, but all you have to do is stay in faith – it’s called a sweatless victory – Jesus won the battle, you don’t have to sweat it.. you just lay hold of your victory by grace through Faith in Jesus Christ and His Word – Selah.

 In His amazing love, Esther