Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Numbers 13:33

“There we saw the giants (the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.” 

It is very interesting that ‘as’ the returning spies saw themselves, so the giants saw them! For the most part, others will see you as you see yourself… if you see yourself as a nobody, others will see you that way too, and they will treat you as a nobody as well. When you see yourself a a ‘somebody’ in Christ, others will see you as a ‘somebody’, and treat you with dignity and respect.

 I remember as a young man, I really longed for others, including my wife, to respect me and to see the value in me… one day, the Lord spoke to me and said, “as long as you see yourself in a negative light, you will never get true respect from anybody!” That wisdom from the Lord changed my life… I had to get away from my defeated ‘Simon’ mentality, and see the ‘Peter’ in me! I thought that I had a positive self-image, but subconsciously, I was ‘inwardly’ injured and covering pain and lies from the enemy toward me. I was ‘projecting’ a positive self-image, while subconsciously carrying a broken, defeated self image. It took the Holy Spirit for me to see my value and expose the lies that the devil tried to put on me. As I saw myself as Jesus saw me, my world changed, my relationships changed and even my performance level and success level changed. 

See yourself as God sees you by faith, see yourself as valuable, gifted, talented, anointed, wise, full of grace and faith, and loved and valued by everyone around you, and as you see yourself that way, it will draw out the ‘Peter’ in you, and everyone will notice and start seeing the diamond in you as well! 

In 1 Corinthians 15:10 (TPT) Paul said, “God’s amazing grace has made me who I am!” Paul did not say this in pride, and in a place of ‘bigheadedness’, he said it in humility, recognizing who Jesus had made him, ‘by grace’. By His grace, we have been made acceptable in the Beloved, and kings and priests in Christ, with the supernatural ability to ‘do all things’ through His power!

How do you see yourself? Take another look, only this time, look at yourself through your ‘spiritual glasses’ (The Word), as see what Jesus sees! 

In His amazing love, Nick