Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 100:1-2 (MSG)

On your feet now—applaud God! Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into His presence.

Sometimes you have to bring Jesus a gift of laughter by faith! When you laugh, you are saying, “Jesus, I trust so much that I am going to ‘consider’ this trial, pure Joy, and I am going to laugh by faith; and then, I am going to sing myself into your presence!”

Ecclesiastes 3:4 says that there is a time to LAUGH… you can laugh because something is funny, or you can laugh by faith as a GIFT to Jesus, knowing that TRIUMPH is always the final outcome in Him! You can laugh by faith, considering things, or ‘processing things’ in such a way that they bring the anointing of JOY into manifestation, no matter what the circumstances may look like!

Here are some great scriptures on laughter…

Psalm 35:9-10 (MSG) “Let me run loose and free, celebrating God’s great work, every bone in my body LAUGHING, singing, “God, there’s no one like You. You put the down-and-out on their feet and protect the unprotected from bullies!”

 Psalm 68:1-4 (MSG) “Up with God! Down with His enemies! Adversaries, run for the hills! Gone like a puff of smoke, like a blob of wax in the fire— one look at God and the wicked vanish. When the righteous see God in action they’ll laugh, they’ll sing, THEY’LL LAUGH and sing for joy. Sing hymns to God; all heaven, sing out;clear the way for the coming of Cloud-Rider. Enjoy God, cheer when you see Him!”

 Psalm 68:3 (TPT) “But let all the righteous be glad! Yes, let them all rejoice in your presence, and be carried away with gladness. LET THEM LAUGH and be radiant with joy!”

 Psalm 126:2 (TPT) “We LAUGHED AND LAUGHED and overflowed with gladness. We were left shouting for joy and singing your praise. All the nations saw it and joined in, saying, “The Lord has done great miracles for them!”

 1 Peter 1:8 says, “Whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, [and standing in faith], you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.” The Message Bible says, “You trust Him with laughter and singing”, in other words, “you laugh and sing BY FAITH while you are WAITING for your breakthrough.”

 I seek to fill my life with laughter every day… the bible says that laughter is good medicine, so determining by faith to laugh a lot is like medicine for your body, your emotions and your attitude! It infuses strength into your life (The JOY of the Lord is my strength), it draws provision from the Lord (with joy I will draw waters from the wells of salvation), it totally confuses the enemy, and it creates an anointed atmosphere for everybody around you!

 Some Christians laughed a lot before they got saved… they laughed at dirty jokes, they laughed when they got drunk, or high, and they laughed all night at the parties they attended… after getting saved, they lost their sense of humor, and instead of alcohol, they started drinking pickle juice, lol… shake off that sour face, and smile, Jesus loves you! Get filled with JOY in the presence of JESUS, and then, fill your mouth with laughter! Make room for the JOY of the Lord… make room for laughter… fill your day with it! Instead of only ‘lol’ing’ in text… LAUGH OUT LOUD all day long… do it by faith, do it by noticing funny things in life, do it in response to mistakes, do it in the presence of Jesus, and no matter why you do it… just do it! 

Here is a challenge… fill your mouth with laughter for one week, and I guarantee you, your life will be totally transformed!

 In His amazing love, Nick