To Trust in the Lord is to “BELIEVE” God at His Word.  An acrostic for the word believe is:

Becaus  Emmanul Lives

     I Expect Victory Everyday

The Word of God is LIFE GIVING.  Without it, we cannot have Victorious living.  It’s one thing to be happy but to have the Joy of the Lord is amazing because it literally gives you the strength to climb any mountain and to overcome any ordeals you may be facing.  In order to get through any challenges life or the enemy throws your way, YOU need to first BELIEVE GOD IS ABLE to get you through.  How to believe?  The Word of God says to “declare a thing and it shall be established.”  Say, “I BELIEVE!”  Say, “Because Emmaunuel Lives… I Expect Victory Everyday!”  Rom. 4:18 TPT “Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham BELIEVED the promise and EXPECTED God to fulfill it.”  Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everyday… not one day, not someday but EVERYDAY.  Abraham took God at His word and as a result he became the father of many nations.  He BELIEVED God’s declaration over him and what God said, even when Abraham didn’t have children right away, it was his TRUST full of faith to continue to believe God at His word over him that after many years, it came to pass!  What is God saying to you in His Word?  When you declare the Word of God over yourself, the bible tells us that God watches over His Word to perform it… to make it happen in your life… but you, sisters and brothers, need to ACTIVATE the Word of God in your life not just by saying it, but BELIEVE what GOD is saying over you in His Word, will come to pass.  This is where activation begins - Prov. 3:5-6 NKJV “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge HIM and HE shall direct your path.  It says in the TPT (The Passion Translation) Prov. 3:5-8  5“Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions.  With all your heart rely on Him to guide you, and He will lead you in every decision you make. 6Become intimate with Him in whatever you do, and He will lead you wherever you go.  7Don’t think for a a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore Him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong.  8Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for. Let this scripture be your stability in all things pleasing to God!  When you TRUST HIM, you GLORIFY HIM.  When you TRUST HIM, you become more and more intimate with HIM, your love grows even stronger and your life will be a worship unto HIM.  Yes, we all make mistakes and fall short but when you Trust God with ALL your heart, you begin to identify what the devil is trying to steal from you and you will fight the good fight of Faith because you BELIEVE God at His Word and not the lies of the enemy!  You are more than a conqueror…that means the battle will come…but remember, God said the battle belongs to Him. Because of the Blood of Jesus, you’re already victorious… you need to TRUST and BELIEVE!


Emmanuel, in Matthew 1:23 AMPC “Behold, the virgin shall become pregnant and give birth to a Son and they shall call His name Emmanuel – which, when translated, means God with us.  Believe that God is with you even through the toughest and unimaginable days.  God can take you out of the valley of dread, the valley of misery, the valley of pain, the valley of loneliness, the valley of despair and set your feet on Holy Ground to the mountain top of  Excitement, Joy, Freedom, Peace, Victory!

Because Emmanuel Lives I Expect Victory Everyday!  Expect VICTORY in all situation!  Expectation is the breeding ground for your miracles!!!  When you “expect” God’s word to work in and for you, it means you BELIEVE what God’s Word says to you.  Then you can confidently say Father, I Trust in You with my whole heart completely and I don’t and will not rely on my own opinion.  With all my heart I rely on You to guide me in every decision I make as I become more intimate with You in whatever I do, knowing that You will lead me wherever I go to claim my Victory!


Testimony – One morning, I woke up out of bed at about 2 or 3 a.m. crying from intense pain from my neck down to my arms.  When I tried to walk back to bed, it was too painful just leaning forward to take a step. I didn’t want to move at all because the pain was too excruciating!  Instead, I stood up against the wall until the sun rose.  When Rico woke up, I  I said I needed to go to the doctor.  It was the first time in our 23 years of marriage that I’ve ever asked to be taken to see the doctor.   My doctor saw how much pain I was in so and prescribed narcotics: Oxycodone, Methocarbamol, Prednisone, Hydrocodone, Roxicet, and 2 other high dose narcotics, along with a referral to see a Neurosurgeon.  At the Neurosurgeon appointment, she suggested neck surgery to which I adamantly declined because I did NOT have a peace about it. (nothing against doctors at all)  She tried to scare me by saying I could permanently be paralyzed if I don’t do the surgery asap… again, trusting God, I had the peace of God to decline surgery.  She then angrily said, “well… will you go to physical therapy??”  I finally agreed to PT.  She then furiously took my chart and left the room without saying goodbye… The narcotics numbed the pain but it was still there.  I couldn’t do anything, I couldn’t go anywhere, being in excruciating physical pain, daily torment!  One day, I asked the Lord to give me a Word that I could stand on and BELIEVE with all my heart. He gave me Isa. 40:4-5 (focus on v4) “Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; 5The Glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” That leaped into my spirit man and I BELIEVED and TRUSTED GOD AT HIS WORD.  My heart rejoiced because I related it to my spine, my nerves, my body!  God gave me His Word and I took ownership of it!  It was for me!  Once God spoke those Breakthrough words into my spirit, I received it, I believed it and I declared it, Trusting God completely with all my heart.  I didn’t quit believing or trusting God even through days, weeks of daily pain.  I stood fighting the good fight of faith, thanking God for my victory and telling the devil when I get out of this… not IF but WHEN… I will tell everyone how Awesome God is!!!  That was 12 years ago, GLORY TO GOD!!! Jesus is LORD and when you make Him Lord over circumstances, challenges… He makes you MORE THAN A CONQUEROR… because now you have a TESTIMONY to share with the world putting the devil under your feet and giving God all the Glory! Halleluhah!!!!!


Nothing is impossible with our God, to those who BELIEVE!  Believe by God's grace through Faith for your victory!  Trust God completely with ALL your heart!  Your miracle will come, God is faithful, and He loves you!  He’s right there as you declare His Word over you, over any situation, and He will guide you to your Victory! Sometimes, you cannot see what God sees, however when you Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart,   lean NOT on your own understanding, and in all your ways, acknowledge Him (not the circumstances, not emotions), He Will direct your path.  Get His Word into your soul (mind, will and emotions), and see how good the Lord is!!!  Heaven is right here on earth, when you Trust in the Lord!!!


Father God, I pray for every reader right now to TRUST YOU with ALL their heart and to lean on You as they take in Your breath of Life. I pray strength and comfort and peace within their soul to align, and believe what You are saying to them through Your Life giving Word(s). I declare they are more than conquerors, trusting in You alone, in Jesus name!  AMEN! 

You are more than a conqueror through Christ!!!


In His Love, Angela