Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 15:4 (TPT)
So, you must remain in life-union with Me for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to mine.

 This scripture says, ‘you must remain in life union with Him’ – The Holy Spirit is highlighting this verse to me and you today. As I read this verse today, I declare this over my life - that I am in life-union with Jesus and His Word. I declare my life will bear good fruit beause on my union with Him, and just so, I encourage you to declare that over your life today too. 

A fresh young fruit off a tree, represents, victory and strength. I want you to imagine a fresh fruit off the tree, ready to be eaten and bring life-giing nutrition, to the person eating it.

Just so, as we stay in union with Jesus and His Word, the Holy Spirit will allow our lives to bear and bring forth fruit that will encourage not only our own lives but the lives of those we minister to.  

Remember, when we receive the power of the Holy Spirit, we get to minister the love, the encouragement and the ministry of Jesus to through us to others by His power - by the power of the Holy Spirit. You are empowered today by the Holy Spirit, and by your union with Him to ministery life-giving encouragement to others. 

Receive His life-giving power and then minister it out to others. The blessing comes in the giving and the sowing... as it gets multiplied back to us by His Spirit working within.

Today, instead of getting caught up in your thoughts and things you are processing, feed off His Word, receive His life-giving power and sustenance and minister that power to others, it will greatly enrich you - selah.

In His amazing love, Esther