Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 5:17

Abundance of Grace
For if by the one man’s offense death reigned through the one, much more those who receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.

Adam changed history because of his sin and we were all born into death because of Adam… but, praise the Lord, when Jesus came and paid the price for our sin, everything changed.

I praise the Lord for the ability we have to receive the gift of God, Jesus Christ in our lives to break the power of sin and death over our lives. Death, sin and sickness has been defeated in your life BY JESUS, the ‘the Person of Grace,’ through His grace anointing imparted to us who have received Him as Lord and Savior.

Jesus has poured His grace out freely for you to receive. There is no end and there is no lack to the abundance of the grace of God being poured out toward you.

God had wanted Adam to reign in life but when he opened the door to sin and disobedience, instead of reigning, he became a slave to sin, to the flesh, and to the temptations of the evil one… due to this, he toiled and labored in life.

Jesus came to bring us life and life more abundantly. Jesus’ desire for you and me, is for us to reign in life as kings and priests in Him – to be successful in everything we do, everything we say and in every relationship we encounter – with His grace anointing, His ability fully equips us to reign in this life through HIM.

When you walk in His righteousness, when you walk in His abundance of grace, it changes who you are from the inside out and it changes how you see and how you perceive yourself.

Adam’s identity was based on his failures… Now here we are, thousands of years later, still talking about Adam’s failure and disobedience… but as a child of God, your past is washed away, you have become a new creature in Christ. Every day in Jesus is new. You are designed, gifted, empowered and fully equipped to reign in Christ every single day… designed to succeed and designed to see yourself through your identity in Christ… blessed beyond measure, strengthened in His might and power and walking in an abundance of grace being poured out on your life - Selah

In His amazing love, Esther