Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Col. 4:12

Full and complete in Him
....that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.

I have so often prayed this as a prayer over our church family, over my family and over my life. Today, the Lord was showing me a cup that is empty. When you are pouring yourself a cup of coffee, your mission is not complete, till your cup is full to the brim with coffee and creamer - when your cup is full and your mission is complete, you can start drinking your cup of morning coffee and experience the pleasure of that coffee.

 Just so in our lives, our existence is empty till we allow the Holy Spirit to fill our lives. Our lives are like an empty cup. When we come to know Jesus and what He did for us on the cross, and we accept Him into our lives and follow His leading, He fills our cups to the brim with His fulness and the more we spend time with Him, our cups overflow with His goodness, His grace, His peace, His blessings, His prosperity, His power, His goodness. It's unending. Keep Him the aim of your life and the center of your focus, stay in His Word, and as His Word fill your heart and mind and soul, you will stand complete in Him. It's by Faith we let HIm fill our cups.. it's by faith we stand in His peace and feel that we are in His perfect will for our lives. It's by faith we receive that in-filling. Today, take time to spend with Him in His presence, let Him fill your cup so that as you step into today, you are full and complete in Him and all that He is.


In His amazing love, Esther