I have a word in season for you today from Psalm 115:14 

‘May the Lord give you increase more and more,you and your children.’


The Lord has increase on His mind concerning you, your ministry, your influence, your personal growth and your finances! The more that you increase, the more will pour out of you as a blessing to others. God moved the children of Israel from the land of less than enough,

through the land of just enough to the promised land of more than enough

and He wants to do the same for you! 


Start seeing yourself as a person of great influence, great ability, great authority, great anointing, great wisdom, great wealth and great power. The truth is, in Christ you are all of those

things and you have all of those things! Renew your mind as to who you are in Christ and as

to Who Christ is in you and what you can do through Him and what He can do through you!

The Lord has INCREASE on His mind for you… believe it, embrace it and run

with it, in Jesus Name!