Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Numbers 16:46-50

So Moses said to Aaron, “Take a censer and put fire in it from the altar, put incense on it, and take it quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them; for wrath has gone out from the Lord. The plague has begun.”

This is a teaching from 2020 that I feel prompted to share again. As we face another huge outbreak of covid, we need to know what the Lord has called us to and the carriers of His anointing.

Then Aaron took it as Moses commanded, and ran into the midst of the assembly; and already the plague had begun among the people. So he put in the incense and made atonement for the people. And he stood between the dead and the living; so the plague was stopped. (Where he stood the dying stopped)

Now those who died in the plague were fourteen thousand seven hundred, besides those who died in the Korah incident. So Aaron returned to Moses at the door of the tabernacle of meeting, for the plague had stopped.

Aaron stopped a plague with the anointing after thousands had already died – he took the anointing fire of God and stood between the living and the dead, and where he stood, the dying stopped. Jesus made atonement for all mankind… Now He stands ready to baptize believers with the Holy Ghost and fire, so that we can run with the fire of His anointing and stand between the living and the dead – as with Aaron, wherever we stand, the dying will stop!

Aaron and Moses and their families could have fled, and SEPARATED themselves from the plague, but instead, they took the anointing into the midst of the plague. Some people would say that doing so is not wisdom. That is because they think that a virus from the devil is stronger than the anointing of God.

If you attended an anointed service, and a few days later ended up with covid symptoms… do not start questioning who in the meeting may have had covid, or who may have infected you. It is IMPOSSIBLE for covid to override the anointing! Just like water is more powerful than dust, the anointing is more powerful than anything from the devil. Getting covid in an anointed service would be like jumping into a pool and coming out dry and dusty… impossible!

So where did you get it from… from the devil! Stop blaming anointed believers, and instead begin to Thank God that by the stripes of Jesus, you are healed! Do what Paul did when he got bitten by a poisonous snake… he shook it off into the fire by faith and the anointing in him overrode the poison from the snake! The Anointing in you is powerful enough to override anything that comes from the devil!

A few days ago I wanted to go lay hands on someone who had been stricken by covid… the Lord stopped me, and said, “You will be fine and the person will be healed because of the anointing, but when word gets out that you did that, some people will say that you became a spreader, and that they got covid from you!” How sad is that, that people have such a low degree of trust in the anointing and the blood of Jesus and such a high level of faith towards covid and its ability to override the anointing! If we do not get our minds renewed on this, we are in trouble!

As ANOINTED believers we are the only ones that can stop this COVID-19 spirit of death and destruction. Many believers have focused on their own safety alone… renew your mind that you are fully protected in your secret place, ‘Jesus’ – just as Aaron was protected from the plague, so are we protected! Notice that Aaron did not take fire from the altar and then go run and hide in his own house… GO OUT, take the anointing and release it wherever you STAND as you stand between the living and the dead!

Stand in your yard and release the anointing as you stand between the living and the dead… stand on your rooftop and release the anointing as you stand between the living and the dead. Take the anointing and release it as you stand in the Costco parking lot, release it while stuck in traffic, release it by faith everywhere that you go!

The anointing does more than BREAK the yoke, it DESTROYS it! This COVID-19 is more than a virus, it is a legion of devils… a legion of powers of darkness of fear, disruption, of infirmity, of destruction and of death! We as believers have the power in Christ to stop it in it’s tracks… we are kings and priests in Christ, and as Aaron, when we take the fire anointing and release it, the dying will stop.

Take communion every day, get charged up with the fire of God, pray in the Holy Ghost, and then begin to release the fire anointing through intercession from your home, release it from your yard, and continually release it wherever you go! Command the devil and his powers of darkness to cease and desist, in Jesus Name, and then begin to praise the Lord!

In His amazing love, Nick