
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 5:1-4

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also WE HAVE ACCESS BY FAITH INTO THIS GRACE in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

This passage of scripture teaches us how we can turn tribulations and trials into perseverance, character and hope leading to triumph. Every day is filled with challenges and opportunities to get defeated, discouraged, negative and ultimately to lose hope. Instead of allowing tribulation, hardship and challenges to give place to the devil to kill, steal and to destroy, ACCESS GRACE, and the grace that you access will turn your test into a testimony and your trial into a triumph!

Remember, New Covenant GRACE is much more than a noun or a doctrine, New Covenant GRACE is a Person, JESUS is grace personified… Grace is an anointing from the Anointed One, it is a portion of Jesus’ essence that is full of unmerited favor, miracle working power and supernatural ability to do the works of Jesus!

Paul the apostle teaches and imparts revelation that ‘we have access by faith into the grace in which we stand’… in other words, the GRACE anointing is available to you when you need it… all you have to do is access it by faith!

How do you access grace by faith? The same way that you access healing, provision, wisdom and everything else that you have been given in the New Covenant… you access it, or receive it by believing in your heart and confessing, or declaring with your mouth by faith… “Lord, I believe that I receive GRACE now, in YOUR MIGHTY NAME… I thank You that GRACE and the power and the anointing on GRACE begins to operate in me and through me right now, in Jesus Name!”

Don’t just ‘grin and bear’ hardship… ACCESS GRACE AND THE PERSON OF GRACE by faith and turn your tribulation into triumph!

I have heard people say… “I had a really hard week… please pray for me”. Praying for somebody that is enduring hardship is good, but far better than ‘enduring’ hardship is to OVERCOME it by grace through faith… remind them that as believers they have access to grace, and if they do not know how… teach them how to access it!

Access grace in every area that you are challenged in, in every area that you have not overcome… in every area of weakness, in Jesus Name! Just say, “Lord I access Your grace by faith right now in my struggle and my challenge with… ( ______ ). I receive grace by faith right now and I declare, your anointed grace is sufficient for me, in your powerful Name! I receive it NOW!”

Whether the challenge or the tribulation is due to your own weakness, due to circumstances or whatever… access grace right away and turn whatever you are facing around for the glory of God!

In His amazing Love, Nick
