Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Acts 14:3

They stayed there a long time, speaking boldly in the Lord, who was bearing witness to the Word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.

When you speak truth, the Lord will back it up! His Word for today is ‘The Word of His Grace’. When we get a revelation of New Covenant grace, and then declare it boldly wherever we go, Jesus will bear witness to the Word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by our hands.

 Paul and Barnabas went together to the synagogue of the Jews, and boldly declared the Word of His grace, and as a result a great multitude, both of the Jews and of the Greeks believed. The Jews had been under the Old Covenant Law… laws that highlighted their sin and shortcomings… laws that Kept them under condemnation… laws that bound them, and laws that commanded them to perform and be one hundred present obedient beyond their ability. Paul and Barnabas preached freedom to a people in bondage, and as a result many got saved, and the power of God moved in their midst with miracles, signs and wonders.

Friends, our world is in bondage… it may not be under the Old Covenant Law, but regardless, our world is bound up, confused, in fear and very deceived. Our world needs the message of grace! The New Covenant message of grace will bring true freedom, abundant life, and it will always be accompanied by miracles, signs and wonders… now that’s true freedom! Thank You Jesus for Your grace!

I hope that this ‘seven-series’ teaching on ‘Freedom in the message of grace’ has been a blessing, that it has brought clarity and understanding, and that the Lord has used it to birth revelation and freedom to all of you. If you have not read all of part one through seven, I encourage you to read it and study it. Please feel free to email me at with any comments or questions.

In His amazing love, Nick
