Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 11:6-7 (TPT)

And since it is by God’s grace, it can’t be a matter of their good works; otherwise, it wouldn’t be a gift of grace, but earned by human effort. So then, Israel failed to ACHIEVE what it had strived for, but the divinely chosen remnant RECEIVES it by grace, while the rest were hardened and unable to receive the truth.

In the New Covenant of GRACE in Christ, nothing can be earned or ‘achieved’, everything is freely ‘received’ by grace through faith. Someone may teach, ‘The seven steps to getting your prayers answered’… then they list, fasting, praying in agreement with others and other scriptural things… it all seems to make sense, BUT teaching things in that way is not New Covenant.

The, ‘if I do this, then God will do that,’ or, ‘if I do this, then I will get, or achieve that’ is Old Covenant… in the New Covenant, under grace, we are not called to ‘achieve’, we are called to receive!

I have been to leadership conferences that teach things like, ‘leadership is always the answer, and leadership is always the problem’ and, ‘The Word works, God works, so if it’s not working, you are the problem’… in other words, ‘God is depending upon YOU to get it right, or it will not go right!’

I walked away feeling condemned, under pressure and like a total failure… Thank God, I was set free with a fresh revelation on New Covenant GRACE. Jesus ‘achieved’, now we freely ‘receive.’

How do I receive what has been freely given to me?

The way that we receive is by believing with our hearts and confessing with our mouths…

Romans 10:9-10 says, “If you CONFESS with your mouth the Lord Jesus (the Word of the Lord Jesus) and BELIEVE in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (sozo). For with the heart one BELIEVES unto righteousness, and with (THE MOUTH) confession is made unto salvation (sozo).”

This scripture is for more than getting born again, this scripture gives us as believers the New Covenant way to RECEIVE ‘sozo’. Sozo is the Greek word that is translated as ‘salvation, or, saved’. Sozo literally means, ‘delivered, provided for, prospered, healed, divine health, wholeness, preservation, protection and to be blessed with every blessing’, so, Romans 10:9-10 gives us the GRACE way on how to RECEIVE, instead of attempting to achieve.

Here is a paraphrase of Romans 10:9-10 in the light of receiving from the Lord…

“When you speak the Word in faith, placing your faith in the resurrected Christ, you will be delivered, provided for, prospered, healed, walk in divine health and made whole; you will be preserved, protected and blessed with every blessing. For you became righteous by faith in Jesus, now as God’s righteous child, as you confess the Word in faith, you will receive deliverance, provision, prosperity, healing, divine health, wholeness, preservation, protection and every blessing.”

We receive by our confession of faith, not by working…

Some may say, the Bible says, “Faith without works is dead.” Absolutely, but this scripture is not referring to ‘dead works’, or doing things to ‘achieve’, it is referring to stepping out in faith and doing things by faith. In other words, you receive (for example) healing by your confession of faith, then you get up and walk by faith… if you only receive something by believing, and do not follow your believing with action, you will block what you have received by faith from manifesting. You receive with your confession of faith, and then what you have received by faith manifests in the natural as you step out by faith and do what you could not do before.

None of the things that the Lord commands us to do, or asks us to do… (laying hands on the sick, fasting and praying, giving, tithing, witnessing and such) are not done to achieve anything, they are done out of love and grace by faith as acts of faith. Miracles, signs, wonders and supernatural blessings FOLLOW what we do by faith… our actions do not achieve, or earn these blessings, these blessings are ‘grace gifts’ that follow faith actions.

The Father has ‘freely GIVEN’ us as His children EVERYTHING that we need for everyday life and ministry, now all we have to do is RECEIVE it with our confession of faith… now that’s freedom… thank God for His grace!

In His amazing love, Nick