Today’s New Covenant Nugget is from Luke 17:33 (TPT)

All who are obsessed with being secure in life will lose it all—including their lives. But those who let go of their lives and surrender them to me will discover true life.

Letting go is very tough on our flesh… our flesh nature believes that holding on to people, things and plans will result in success. The need to hold on and to keep our hands on things is really the opposite of faith… true faith will let go and let God.

True faith will trust Jesus enough to cast our cares upon Him, knowing that He cares for us… true faith is ‘let go’ faith.

There are things in life that are bigger than we are, things that we cannot fix or save, and if we hold onto them, those are the things that will stress us out, exhaust us and steal our joy, our hope and our faith… there are some things that will totally destroy a person if held onto.

When we ‘let go and let God’, we are saying, “Lord I trust you with this… I am fully persuaded that in your hands, all things will work together for my good, and in your hands, I will be victorious… I trust You with this Lord, and I let go!”

If something is stressing you, wearing you out and making you miserable, chances are that it is bigger than you and more than you can carry… step out in faith, let go and let God, and then enter into His rest. If He leads you to do something, then do it in faith, but unless He leads you, keep your hands off. As long as your hands are not on something, His hands are, and His hands always produce miracles… you cannot handle some things, but Jesus can… He specializes in the impossible, for with Him, nothing is impossible!

In His amazing Love, Nick
