Today’s New Covenant nugget is from James 4:2-3

…you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.

James 4:1-6 deals with believers who are self-centered, self-focused and obsessed with their own fleshly desires… the Lord will not satisfy anybody’s flesh! Flesh-driven, self-focused believers allow their flesh to block God’s blessings…

As believers we need to die to our flesh and get our eyes away from ourselves, our fleshly desires and wanting to have everything our own way… we need to develop hearts that are ‘others-focused’… hearts that thrive on serving and blessing others. When you die to your flesh you can ask the Father ANYTHING in Jesus Name and it shall be given to you… when you are self-focused and flesh driven, you will not receive ANYTHING that you ask for from the Father… He will not feed your flesh!

When your life is spent praying for others, serving others, helping others, using your faith for the breakthrough of others and laying down your life for others, then you are putting the Lord’s kingdom FIRST, and then, when you do that, you will not even need to ask… everything that you need… even the secret petitions of your heart will begin to pursue you and overtake you.

If you are self-obsessed, you probably do not know it… self-obsessed, ‘I-focused’ individuals are usually blind to it. They secretly wonder why others around them are happy, blessed and thriving and why they are not. If you are self-centered, you are probably concerned about WHY this, and WHY that, and WHY your prayers are still not being answered…

If that is you, the way out is by grace to begin to pray for, bless, and serve others… everytime you start feeling rejected, sad, or experiencing self-pity, pray for someone, bless someone, encourage someone and serve someone… get your focus away from YOURSELF and onto others… as you do blessings will begin to come to you without you even asking.

I know this may seem like a very challenging word to some, and their flesh really won’t like it, but I am sharing this lovingly, because I desire to see you blessed, fulfilled, happy and prospering even as your soul prospers… The more you focus on the kingdom of God, the more you serve others, the more blessings will flow your way, and the more fulfilled your life will be… selah!

In His amazing love, Nick
