
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Colossians 3:15

Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

The enemy wants us to live in a restless, ambition driven, problem focused life on a treadmill of busyness on a road to nowhere… the Lord wants us to live a peaceful, content, thankful, faith-filled abundant life, constantly aware of how blessed we are. He wants you to enjoy what you have, the blessings He has bestowed upon you and He wants you to be thankful for who you have become in Christ!

The Hebrew word for ‘peace’ is ‘shâlôwm’… it includes a state of peacefulness and rest in the absence of stress, but at it’s core it means ‘wholeness and completeness’. Jesus is the Prince of wholeness, completeness, rest and peace… He is an oasis of ‘shâlôwm’ in a wilderness of stress, ambition driven restlessness and incompleteness.

Colossians 3:15 says that we ARE CALLED to a life of PEACE and THANKFULNESS. The next time somebody asks you, “what is your calling?” Tell them that you are called to live the blessed life in a constant state of peace and thankfulness!

Some people are so ‘vision minded’, or ‘ambition driven’ and ‘goal orientated’ that they are not really enjoying who they have become and what they have… they are looking over the top of the blessings they have, trying to figure out how they can get the ones they do not have yet.

Stop for a moment, hit the pause button and take a little time right now to reflect on how you have grown in the Lord… who you used to be without the Lord and who you have become in Christ… take some time to appreciate all of the blessings that the Lord has brought into your life… take a little time to enjoy and to be thankful… enter into the ‘completeness’ of the moment. Right now, in Christ, you are fully whole, complete and blessed… right now!

Vision and future projects should really be for the sake of others, they should never become ambition driven goals in an attempt to make your own life better… right now you have the one thing that money cannot buy and the one thing that can never be earned or achieved… a loving relationship with the Lord, in a grace, peace and joy filled covenant, in which you have been freely given all things that pertain to life and godliness… take some time right now… worship Jesus, bless His Name… and be thankful!

In His amazing love, Nick
