
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 Peter 3:9 (NIV)

Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

The Passion Translation says, “Never retaliate when someone treats you wrongly, nor insult those who insult you, but instead, respond by speaking a blessing over them—because a blessing is what God promised to give you.”

It is in your power to be a blessing… like the NIV says, “to this you were called”. Whether it is blessing someone who treats you wrongly, or blessing a friend, or blessing the Lord… you are called to be a blessing. In Sunday’s message at Amazing Love and again in yesterday’s devotion, the Lord imparted the revelation that it is the power of His supernatural divine LOVE that gives us the ability to walk in goodness, kindness, compassion and blessing toward everybody… we do not bless in our strength, we bless by and through the power of love!

Because of the grace given to you, in Christ you have been given LOVE, and that love is anointed to bless! By the power of the love that you have received, BLESS and be a blessing!

How to be a blessing…

You bless with your words of life, by listening to people, by serving people, spending time with them, through gifts and by praying for them. Words of life build, they articulate love and they release power and healing. When you take the time to listen, you bless the person sharing by valuing their thoughts, ideas, concerns and dreams. When you serve someone, you bless them by noticing their need and then doing something about it. When you spend time with someone, you bless them with your time… you are saying, “I value you and I love to spend time with you!” When you bless someone with a gift, whether it is expensive, or just something that you made, you are blessing them by saying, “I love you and appreciate you and I have taken the time to make something, to write something, to buy something, or to pick some wild flowers for you.” When you pray for someone, or over someone, you are blessing them by releasing the anointing and the Word of God into their lives!

As a New Covenant, born again believer you have been called and equipped and empowered to be a blessing, and the more that you sow blessings to others, the more blessings that you will reap… shaken together, pressed down, and running over!

In His Amazing Love, Nick
